Star Wars: Descension Wiki

Zaltana Hawk was the once revered Ma'tra of the Singing Mountain Clan who ruled over it for nearly a century prior to dying peacefully on her death. A Sorceress in her own right, Zaltana created much of the Hawk book of magicks which is still used to this very day by the family and was highly gifted with the Sight, allowing her to see deep within her own family and identify the darkness within it.

She passed away over two hundred and some years ago, having given birth to three daughters: Winona, Shadi and Rayen, from her unbounded union to the slave Patamon. It was upon her deathbed that she named her successor, her youngest child, thus surpassing her two older daughter. Though the decision brought great shock to the Clan, she had done so because she was well aware of the darkness within Winona and Shadi, believing that because of it, they would never truly respect the the laws of their clan. This secret though died with her, the gift of Sight allowing him to see the bright future of their clan, the arrival of the twins that would one they rule over the Singing Mountain.

With limited records left, and her true age unknown, the family was left with blank knowledge of of the Hawk line prior to Zaltana though the Ma'tra did leave her own writings, hidden away from prying eyes, especially those of her daughters. Truth was, Zaltana not only could trace the family line all way to the first of them on the planet but her research had brought on the discovery of who Ceta truly was among the outsiders. Though the book in which this was written has remained hidden for centuries.
